Senwill Civil, formally Pettifor’s Civil has been operating since September 1992 in the Civil Construction Industry, we currently employ 45 people at our depot in Lonsdale. Our workforce is a group of highly motivated and skilled individuals that include a number of former SA Water / United Water & E&WS employees. Senwill has established itself as a major provider of quality infrastructure construction, with a focus on the Safety and Customer Service. We also self-perform Traffic Management, Bitumen Reinstatement and Hydro Excavation.
The following is a summary of the types of construction works we have successfully completed for SA Water, Local Government Authority and private clients.
New Water and Wastewater connection
Maintenance of the Water and Wastewater network.
Project Management and construction of complete Wastewater / STED (Septic Tank Effluent Drainage) gravity drainage systems.
Construction of wastewater pumping stations.
Construction of wastewater rising mains.
Construction of water reticulation systems in OPVC, DICL and MSCL pipe.
Construction of water pumping station and control valve installations.
Construction of storm water systems
Construction of residential sub divisions.
Maintenance work on storm water, wastewater and water systems.
Water and wastewater main augmentation for the Southern Expressway.
Mannum Waters Marina and Residential Sub Division
Senwill Management made a commitment to Quality, Health and Safety and the Environment by successfully creating and implementing management systems to meet the requirements of ISO9001, ISO45001and ISO14001 and maintained accreditation since 2013.