Senwill Civil Pty Ltd recognises the disciplines of Quality and endeavours to work toward continuous improvement and having the outcome of “Getting it right the first time”
We are committed to:
Implementing an effective Quality Management System
Working closely with customers and suppliers to achieve a high quality result.
Increase our profits through reduced rework and waste.
Ensure that suppliers and subcontractors work with the same objectives in mind.
Strive for continued improvement of service delivery through measurement of waste and rework.
Communicating quality objectives to all areas of the company.
Review the policy at the management review meetings.

Senwill Civil Pty Ltd recognises the moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment extends to ensure that our operations do not put our local community at risk of injury, illness or damage.
We are committed to:
Complying with Work Health & Safety laws.
Working toward minimising reportable and lost time injuries.
Ensuring that our employees and contractors are aware of our safety procedures and work instructions and are trained in their tasks.
Understanding that employee and contractor safety is ensured by good communication.
Maintaining plant and equipment to be in good working order.
Review this policy at management review meetings

Senwill Civil Pty Ltd recognises the moral and legal responsibility to protect the environment and will endeavour to minimise its impact wherever possible.
We are committed to: -
Complying with Environmental Laws.
Implementing an effective Environmental Management System.
Assessing the environmental hazards, risks, processes and equipment.
Managing air and noise pollution at the work sites.
Ensuring products, materials, and substances purchased are safe and without adverse environmental effect and used to ensure that pollution is avoided.
Extending environmental awareness to all areas of the company.
Disposing of waste in an environmentally friendly manner.
Review this policy at management review meetings.
Training is ongoing at Senwill Civil, to ensure that our employees are capable and experienced in all new equipment and standards.
Water Waste Link Up White Card Traffic Management Assist Excavation & Support PVC Pipe Installation SA Water Pipe Laying
Confined Space Entry Denso Wrapping Skid Steer Backhoe Excavator Fork Lift MR Truck HR/HC Truck Electrical Testing
Century Plus Dicl Course First Aid Safety Supervisor Load Slinging Laser Safety Telstra Locating Working at Heights
Use of Quick Cut EWP Below 11m Environmental Training Dogman Certificate 4 Supervisor Chainsaw Rail Safety Warden
Tyco Pipe Laying Front End Loader Roller Service Truck
Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2015
Environmental Management System – ISO 14001:2015
OH & S Management Systems – ISO45001, 2018
Pipe Laying
Reinstatement – Bitumen – Concrete – Paving
Traffic Management
Air Testing
Pressure Testing
Mates in Construction

Senwill Civil have been involved in many and various projects, from small to large major projects. Some of current and past projects are listed below.
Senwill Civil has held the Extensions and Connections Contract with SA Water for over 20 Years delivering new water and wastewater connection to minor sub divisions in the southern metropolitan area, the contract involves working closely with SA Water personnel to deliver a quality outcome for SA Water customers and stakeholders mandated by strict OESCOSA guidelines. Senwill in partnership with SA Water have developed an internal project management system that leads the industry in information sharing and project delivery outcomes.
Senwill has embraced the constant improvement ethos and is continually improving its systems and management procedures for the benefit of SA Water customers.
Mannum Waters Marina
Mannum Waters Marina was declared a major project by the State Government in 2005 and given approval to proceed in 2008 and is estimated to take 10 years to complete. The 250 million dollar development is an environmental benchmark that will revolutionise the way that marinas are built in South Australia and will provide more than 200 jobs during construction phase and 100 full time jobs when the marina is complete.
Senwill Civil, the Civil Construction Contractor for the project is responsible for the Earthworks, council infrastructure, Water and Wastewater Reticulation, Power and Telecommunications Services. Senwill Civil is also building the Marina which will transform the degraded flood plain into an environmental Wonderland! www.mannumwaters.com.au

Mannum Waters Marina development